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22nd May

A great introduction to computational thinking for children by Linda Liukas Here you can buy this book...

Ruby asks: "Have you seen a gem my dad could have hidden here?

But the penguins do not understand it because she does not encode the message well...

when she specifies the question well, then the penguins tell her where the gem is ...

Unplugged bee...

Algorithms Make You Happy

Let me tell you what we’re going to make,
Write instructions how to bake a cake,
Step by step think what you need to do,
Well does it work? Someone must try it too.

It’s an algorithm.
Think what you need to do at the start.
It’s an algorithm.
What comes next? Every piece plays a part.
It’s an algorithm.
Test it out. Does it do what you planned?
It’s an algorithm.
If there’s a problem, fix it, understand!

Now let’s work out how to add a sum.
Where to start? That is step number one.
Then decide what is step 2 and more.
Work it out to make the answer yours.


Algorithms, we can make them.
Algorithms, then we test them.
Algorithms, fix and change them.
Tell you about them.

Plan a route to make it through a maze.
Different people may find different ways.
As a group, work out the steps to take.
Try your plan and test there’s no mistake.

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